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22 April 2010 meeting (unapproved)
Jones's "Reality Check" for Core/Advanced Core inclusion
Dean Tucker's 10 points on core curricula
2009-2010 Charges to Committee from ECE Department Head Andreas Cangellaris
Chair's Annual Report of ECE Curriculum Committee Activities for 2008-2009
Resolution of intent to reposition required courses at junior level
Draft memo to faculty about curricula revisions
Various suggestions on major curricular changes
List of options for physical electronics placement in EE core curriculum, with rationale for each
Preference ballot for list of options for physical electronics placement in EE core curriculum
Summary of physical electronics placement in core survey results
National Science Board Report: Moving Forward to Improve Engineering Education Results of a survey of our graduates within the past ten years about their education here
A visual representation of our courses in terms of physics, math, and computing
Excerpts from Handbook on Academic Freedom and Jones' intepretation
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