ECE Curriculum Committee Meeting Agenda for 22 Sept, 2006

  1. Introduction of visitor, Professor and Vice-Dean Nguyen from Ho Chih Minh University of Technology
  2. Approval of minutes of September 15 meeting
  3. Professor Greg Timp discusses results of the first experiment with the ECE 340 revision.
  4. Review ECE 398 course proposal by Greg Timp for Spring 2007
  5. Review of CS 460 cross-listing proposal
  6. Review of ECE 498 proposal by Nitin Vaidya
  7. Time permitting: Discussion of curricular concerns or longer-term issues, with the goal of forming a reduced agenda of issues for the Committee to address during this academic year.
  8. Adjourn by 11:50 AM

This page created by D.L. Jones, September 11, 2006; Last updated September 11, 2006