ECE Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes for March 9, 2007
Members present:
Matthew Frank,
Seth Hutchinson,
Jianming Jin,
Douglas Jones,
Erhan Kudeki,
Stephen Levinson,
Naresh Shanbhag,
Pramod Vishwanath
Visitor:Yoram Bresler
Yoram Bresler, in his role as the ECE representative to, and Chair of,
the College of Engineering-Math Liaison Standing Subcommittee,
met with the Curriculum Committee to solicit our thoughts on some
issues before his Committee.
The Curriculum Committee expressed the opinion that our courses
ECE 313, Math 487 (codeveloped with our faculty), ECE 490, ECE 534,
and the graduate Information Theory and Coding Theory classes
should be allowed for elective credit in the Math Minor.
It was felt that students who come in with advanced placement credit
and take the honors math course the first semester as now required
should have the option to switch to the normal track in subsequent
Embedding engineering professors into teaching the calculus sequence
is impractical/not a good idea/won't work.
The Committee adjourned at 11:47 AM.
This page created by D.L. Jones, March 30, 2007;
Last updated March 30, 2007