ECE Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes for October 5, 2007

Members present: Jont Allen, Tangul Basar, Stephen Bishop, Nikita Borisov, Donna Brown, Matthew Frank, K.-C. Hsieh, Doug Jones, Erhan Kudeki, Jonathan Makela, Michael Oelze
  1. Minutes of the April 13, 2007 meeting were approved
  2. Minutes of the April 27, 2007 meeting were approved
  3. Minutes of the September 17, 2007 meeting were approved
  4. The ECE 498 proposal by Greg Timp was approved.
  5. The ECE 398 JL proposal by Kent Choquette was approved; the Committee advised Associate Head Erhan Kudeki that it should be allowed to substitute for the ECE 440 requirement in the curriculum for students taking it this semester.
  6. There was some discussion about the process for approval of permanent courses in the bio-engineering area; according to Bruce Wheeler, the process is fuzzy now, and he said he would work with the College this year to formulate a clearer process and guidelines. There seemed to be a consensus that approval of permanent courses with a heavy overlap with bio-engineering should be coordinated with and contingent upon Bioengineering Department approval.
  7. Joe Lyding joined the meeting briefly to answer questions regarding his ECE 498 proposal, which was approved. A final version of the proposal with the detailed prerequisite list and 43 classroom hours needs to be submitted.
  8. Brian Cunningham's ECE 498 course proposal was approved.
  9. Approval of the ECE 416 permanent course proposal by Brian Cunningham was deferred due to questions about whether 3 or 4 credit hours is intended, and whether the lab experience satisfies College requirements for an additional hour of credit.
  10. The Committee adjourned at 11:51 AM.

This page created by D.L. Jones, October 11, 2007; last updated October 18, 2007