ECE Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes for October 12, 2007
Members present:
Jont Allen,
Stephen Bishop,
Nikita Borisov,
Donna Brown,
Matthew Frank,
Kuang-Chien Hsieh,
Douglas Jones,
Erhan Kudeki,
Stephen Levinson,
Jonathan Makela,
Michael Oelze,
Bruce Wheeler
The Minutes of the October 5, 2007 meeting were approved with corrections.
The Committee reviewed the resolution from last year on revising and
repositioning the advanced core courses at the 300 level.
Various ideas were discussed regarding a process for implementing this
Various suggestions included
- Focus on the current "3 of 5" list and ECE 440 (Kudeki)
- Go course by course through the required curriculum
- Refer each course to the relevant area committee(s)
- Form joint area/curriculum committee subcommittees to review each course
- Create a sophomore-level "electrical physics" course comprising
roughly half electromagnetics and half semiconductor device physics (Kudeki)
- Rethink the current partition of materials into courses (Levinson)
After much discussion, the Committee decided to review and refine the
list of essential topics for most students, with an eye toward finding
synergies or new groupings that might lead to a different course structure.
K.-C. Hsieh informed the Curriculum Committee that the
Microelectronics and Quantum Electronics Area Committee has
already met to discuss how to implement the plan with respect
to ECE 440 or an alternate course.
He mentioned several general approaches that have been discussed,
such as revising and repositioning the ECE 440 course or developing a
new ECE 340 course (which might serve as either a prerequisite for
the advanced courses in the area, a prerequisite for ECE 440, or
a "1 of 2" choice in parallel with ECE 440). K.-C. pointed out that
all alternatives involve substantial modification of subsequent courses
in the area; Erhan said that this is inevitable and that a similar
process occurred when the E/M sequence was altered, but that the
effort of revision eventually improved the curriculum in the area.
Further discussion was postponed for a future meeting.
The Committee adjourned at 11:51 AM.
This page created by D.L. Jones, October 11, 2007;
Last updated October 23, 2007