Donna Brown and others stated that the opportunities for undergraduates in the first two years should not be limited to interactions with graduate students, and that faculty should be free to engage students at any level; this met with general agreement. Jont Allen emphasized the role of faculty in overseeing the graduate students in their interactions with the undergraduates. In particular, the question was raised whether the graduate students or faculty would assign grades (if applicable); there seemed to be a consensus that the faculty should assign grades, presumably with input from the graduate students involved.
The issue of whether or not credit would be granted was discussed. Some were concerned that the maximum of six hours of credit for independent study would be insufficient across four years. Donna Brown suggested creating ECE 196 or 296 specifically for the freshman and sophomore years, with an additional two hours of technical elective credit allowed. The question was raised as to whether credit would be necessary or even desirable.
Erhan Kudeki emphasized that this proposal is merely a starting point, and that the proposers (Kuang Xu and David Jun) would be open to other ideas. The Committee decided to discuss this at another meeting to collect and consider ideas; all Committee members were charged with reading the proposal more carefully and formulating ideas before our next meeting.