The question was raised as to whether the already-large introductory courses could support the additional enrollment. Kudeki estimated that perhaps 20 students per year might take advantage of it, and perhaps a few more once it became well established, but suggested that many of the students who would be interested are already taking these courses anyway. The Committee concluded that the additional load is unlikely to be unbearable by the department.
The Committee's response to the proposed EE minor was positive and that the proposed course requirements sounded reasonable. The Committee agreed with the proposal not to include ECE 340 in the select-one-advanced-core course list, because many physics and materials science students cover similar material in their major. (Students can still select it as an advanced elective.) The Committee encouraged Erhan Kudeki to draft a complete, formal proposal along those lines for careful consideration. Erhan promised to check into the University's rules on minors and to confirm that the proposal satisfies them. Donna Brown agreed to discuss the Computer Engineering minor and requirements with the Computer Engineering Area Committee and to report back on their recommendations.