ECE Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes for September 22, 2008

Members present: Jont Allen, Donna Brown, Kent Choquette, Matthew Frank, Kuang-Chien Hsieh, Yih-Chun Hu, Douglas Jones, Erhan Kudeki, Jonathan Makela, Michael Oelze, Pramod Viswanath
  1. The Minutes of the September 15, 2008 meeting were approved.
  2. The Committee discussed Greg Timp's ECE 498 proposal but still had unresolved questions. It was decided that the best course would be to invite him to a future Committee meeting.
  3. The ECE 472 course proposal by Michael Oelze was approved subject to some corrections in the documentation.
  4. The Committee adopted K.-C. Hsieh's recommendation that all 300 and 400 level Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) courses, plus MSE 280, with the exceptions of MSE 304, 460, and 461, be approved for technical elective credit.
  5. The Committee adjourned at 3:54 PM.

This page created by D.L. Jones, October 2, 2008; Last updated October 2, 2008