ECE Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes for February 20, 2009
Members present:
Jont Allen,
Tangul Basar,
Stephen Bishop,
Donna Brown,
Kent Choquette,
Matthew Frank,
Douglas Jones,
Erhan Kudeki,
Stephen Levinson,
Xiuling Li,
Jonathan Makela,
Pramod Viswanath
The Minutes of the February 13, 2009 meeting were approved.
The revision of ECE 398 to allow Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading
(so that the ECE 398 rubric can be used to offer zero-credit-hour seminars)
was approved.
Lynford Goddard's ECE 498 Principles of Experimental Research was approved
for the Fall 2009 semester.
The Committee suggested shortening the title to Experimental Research Methods.
Kent Choquette proposed a list of technical electives from Biochemistry;
after discussions, the final approved list is BIOC 406, 440, 446, and 455.
Erhan Kudeki led the discussion of the proposed list for Chemical
and Biomolecular Engineering; the final approved list is
CHBE 221, 321, 421, 422, 424, 430, 431, 440, 451, 452, 453, 456, 457, 471, 472, 473, and 474.
The Committee approved Biophysics courses
BIOP 401, 417, 419, 420, 432, and 470
for technical elective credit.
Doug Jones reported that all Neuroscience concentration courses are
cross-listed from MCB or IB (and thus already on the technical elective
list) or from Psychology (and in his opinion not technical enough to
qualify), so he proposed that no NEUR courses be listed as technical electives.
The Curriculum Committee accepted this recommendation.
Jont Allen volunteered to review courses from Speech and Hearing Science.
Donna Brown and Doug Jones volunteered to draft a general guideline for
evaluating the suitability of courses for technical elective credit.
The Committee adjourned at 3:49 PM.
This page created by D.L. Jones, February 21, 2009;
Last updated March 6, 2009