ECE Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes for April 10, 2009

Members present: Jont Allen, Tangul Basar, Stephen Bishop, Donna Brown, Andreas Cangellaris, Kent Choquette, Yih-Chun Hu, Douglas Jones, Erhan Kudeki, Stephen Levinson, Michael Oelze, Pramod Viswanath
Guests: Jean-Pierre Leburton
  1. The Chair reported that he approved prospectively on behalf of the committee allowing Bioengineering to crosslist ECE 416.
  2. The Committee considered the proposed outline for a new ECE 340 course, to replace ECE 440 in the required core curriculum, presented by Jean-Pierre Leburton, Chair of the Microelectronics Area Committee. There was some discussion that the outline approved by the Area Committee contains less emphasis on CMOS and more on BJTs than the Curriculum Committee had originally suggested; Jean-Pierre stated that the majority of the Area Committee felt that the proposed coverage was appropriate and important. By a non-unanimous vote, the Curriculum Committee approved the new ECE 340 outline and course proposal with minor changes.
  3. The Committee reviewed the outline of ENG 198: Creativity, Innovation, and Vision as a potential technical elective. The consensus was that the course as described in the outline is not quantitative enough to serve as an ECE Technical Elective (although students can always take it for free elective credit), but that it might be eligible in the future should it evolve in a more quantitative direction. Erhan Kudeki promised to relay the Committee sentiments to Bruce Litchfield.
  4. Sean Meyn proposed the idea of allowing partial technical elective credit for courses; it was agreed that this is an idea we should consider at a future meeting.
  5. The Committee adjourned at 3:48 PM.

This page created by D.L. Jones, April 17, 2009; Last updated April 17, 2009