Rationale for Various Proposed Placements of Physical Electronics in EE Core

Curricular revisions related to ECE 440 in particular and various options for how we include physical electronics material in our core have occupied considerable Curriculum Committee time and extensive course development effort on the part of several of our colleagues, and will likely continue to do so over the next couple of years. We should thus focus our (and our colleagues') energies on the options likely to gain widespread departmental support. The preferred options will depend substantially on high-level considerations as to the nature of Electrical and Computer Engineering careers in 2008 and beyond.

Below are several proposed options, and my high-level rationale and commentary and those collected from various colleagues regarding each option. The various rationale are not all consistent, but all have some merit; our decisions will likely hinge on weighing the relative merit and relevance integrated across the hundreds of different career paths likely to be pursued by all of our students over the next four decades.

Suggested Options

  1. Renumber current ECE 440 with minor modifications as ECE 340 and retain in required core as it is now.
  2. Renumber current ECE 440 with minor modifications as ECE 340 but move it to a "4 of 6" list (move from required to semi-required advance core)
  3. Current ECE 440 becomes technical elective (move physical electronics out of core)
  4. Beef up physical electronics content in ECE 442 (-->342) and make it required, and move ECE 440 (-->340 similar to current 440) to a "3 of 6" advanced core list
  5. Develop a new ECE 340 substantially different from current ECE 440 for the required core
  6. Develop a new ECE 340 substantially different from current ECE 440 for the required core and move current ECE 440 or similar to the "3 of 6" list
  7. Develop a new ECE 340 substantially different from current ECE 440 for the required core and place it on a "1 of 2" list with current ECE 440 or similar

This page created by D.L. Jones, April 10, 2008; Last updated April 10, 2008