ECE Curriculum Committee Meeting Agenda for April 8, 2010

Members: Tangul Basar, Stephen Bishop, Donna Brown, Andreas Cangellaris, Patrick Chapman, Kent Choquette, Todd Coleman, Lynford Goddard, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Douglas Jones, Erhan Kudeki, Stephen Levinson, Steven Lumetta, Jonathan Makela, Sean Meyn, Michael Oelze, Sanjay Patel, John Tucker, Nitin Vaidya, Pramod Viswanath
  1. Review minutes of the April 1, 2010 meeting
  2. Review ECE 498 GH course proposal for Fall 2010
  3. Review revised ECE 310/320 course proposals
  4. Finalize advanced core list
  5. Continue development of list of core computer-related topics for EE and Comp E curricula
  6. Adjourn by 2:50 PM