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List of core computing topics for EEs/CompEs

This is a minimal list of material related to computing that I believe is essential for the long-term career success of electrical and computer engineers. It is intended to be a MINIMAL list; that is, not what is good to know or might possibly be useful or is useful for some engineers, but knowledge that the lack of which would very likely hold our graduates back in their careers.



Digital hardware


Software/hardware interface

Computational theory



Considered and rejected as not core

(CC) means Curriculum Committee discussed and accepted as core requirement
(/CC) means Curriculum Committee discussed and rejected as core requirement
(CC AC) means accepted by Curriculum Committee as an advanced core (but not core) topic
(xyz) means proposed for the core (essential) list by some faculty member, but not yet discussed by Curriculum Committee. (/xyz) means (xyz) thinks this is NOT core material. (dlj) = Douglas L. Jones, (sl) = Steve Levinson, (ek) = Erhan Kudeki, (jm) = Jonathan Makela, (sm) = Sean Meyn, (nv) = Nitin Vaidya, (sp) = Sanjay Patel
(dlj AC) means (dlj) thinks this is advanced core (only) material. <% CreatePageFoot %>