ECE Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes for September 17, 2009

Members present: Tangul Basar, Stephen Bishop, Donna Brown, Kent Choquette, Todd Coleman, Lynford Goddard, Douglas Jones, Stephen Levinson, Steven Lumetta, Jonathan Makela, Michael Oelze, Sanjay Patel
  1. The Minutes of the April 17, 2009 meeting were approved.
  2. The Charges to the Committee from the ECE Department Head Andreas Cangellaris were discussed.

    The Chair reported on the status of the advanced core revisions: ECE 340 and 310 are nearly complete and await completion of the paperwork; ECE 342 is far along, although questions regarding merging it with ECE 343 remain open. ECE 330 is ready for submission to the College. ECE 391 was developed recently in line with our objectives. Kent Choquette suggested that we need a way to monitor the actual implementation and success of our revisions if the curricular revision process is to be effective in practice.

    The ECE Minor proposal was discussed and approved in principle last year, and awaits drafting of a formal proposal document by Erhan Kudeki along the lines of those discussions.

    Committee members shared whatever information they had about the Masters of Electrical Engineering proposal; we agreed to await further information from the Graduate Committee as it develops the proposal.

  3. The Committee discussed whether we should add additional longer-term major initiatives to our agenda this year.
  4. Sanjay Patel, Steve Lumetta, Donna Brown, and Doug Jones volunteered to serve on the ECE/CS Curriculum Coordination Subcommittee.
  5. The Committee approved the number change of ECE 280 to ECE 380, subject to the inclusion of prerequisites in the document to be forwarded to the College.
  6. The Committee adjourned at 1:50 PM.

This page created by D.L. Jones, September 18, 2009; Last updated September 29, 2009