ECE Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes for October 8, 2009
Members present:
Tangul Basar,
Stephen Bishop,
Donna Brown,
Todd Coleman,
Lynford Goddard,
Douglas Jones,
Stephen Levinson,
Steven Lumetta,
Jonathan Makela,
Sean Meyn,
Michael Oelze,
Nitin Vaidya,
Pramod Viswanath
The Minutes of the October 1, 2009 meeting were approved.
The Committee reviewed the GSLIS proposal for a new undergraduate major
in "Informatics," and the response of the ECE and CS department heads
about their concerns with the name.
The Curriculum Committee shares the Heads' concerns about the
name, and strongly and unanimously opposes the degree name "Informatics."
This will be both misleading and confusing to most people, and could
endanger the reputation and recruitment of both our world-class Computer
Science and Computer Engineering programs.
The Committee takes a stronger stance than the Heads' letter and feels
that even "Information Science" is misleading; the Committee suggests
that "Library and Information Science", in accordance with GSLIS's mission
and name, is much more appropriate.
The Committee noted that some claims in the proposal, namely that the proposed
degree would prepare students for careers as
- Computer Systems Analyst, and
- Computer and Information Systems Managers
are unrealistic;
the preparation is not adequate for the key technical aspects of such
The Committee reviewed and approved the ECE 408: Applied Parallel Programming
course proposal by Wen-Mei Hwu.
The Committee also proactively approved offering it in Spring 2010
as an ECE 498 course while awaiting College approval, but noted that
Wen-Mei needs to submit a formal ECE 498 proposal.
ECE 498 SL was approved for the Spring 2010 semester subject to minor editing
of the catalog description.
The Committee adjourned at 1:48 PM.
This page created by D.L. Jones, October 15, 2009;
Last updated October 15, 2009