ECE Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes for January 28, 2010

Members present: Tangul Basar, Stephen Bishop, Lynford Goddard, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Douglas Jones, Erhan Kudeki, Stephen Levinson, Jonathan Makela, Michael Oelze, Nitin Vaidya
  1. The Minutes of the January 21, 2010 meeting were approved.
  2. The Chair informed the Committee that he approved on the Committee's behalf an ECE 398 section "Information Assurance and Trust Seminar" taught by Roy Campbell and M. Bashir. The Committee approved it last semester for the benefit of our ECE students engaged in this new concentration area. Apparently three of our students want to take it this semester.
  3. Erhan Kudeki presented revised outlines for ECE 329 and ECE 350, which he, Andreas Cangellaris, Jonathan Makela, and the area faculty have developed. Erhan stated that the new organization offers many improvements over the existing courses. The new ECE 329, which is in the required core for both of our curricula, will now include transmission lines and many aspects of wave propagation and radiation, which were relegated to the advanced EE core in ECE 450. ECE 350 has a stronger focus on more advanced concepts, including in particular topics relevant to antennas, so it will serve as a better prerequisite for the elective courses in the electromagnetics area. Erhan noted that the new outlines take better advantage of the content and emphasis of ECE 210 (particularly Fourier/frequency and systems concepts), thereby improving both the curricular continuity and the efficiency of learning for students.

    The new outlines generally received very favorable comments. Various committee members questioned whether certain topics listed in the outlines are truly essential for all students; Prof. Kudeki's explanations as to what is intended by the descriptions convinced the Committee that they are indeed appropriate. In a few cases, he said that certain topics, representing perhaps a week of material, are optional and deliberately included to allow adjustments to the individual class's progress; the Committee asked him to denote those in italics as was done in the new ECE 342 outline.

  4. The Curriculum Committee approved the revised ECE 329 and ECE 350, subject to notation of instructor-optional material in the syllabus.
  5. The Committee adjourned at 2:45 PM.

This page created by D.L. Jones, February 3, 2010; Last updated February 18, 2010