ECE Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes for March 11, 2010

Members present: Tangul Basar, Stephen Bishop, Donna Brown, Andreas Cangellaris, Todd Coleman, Lynford Goddard, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Douglas Jones, Erhan Kudeki, Jonathan Makela, Michael Oelze, Pramod Viswanath
  1. The Minutes of the March 4, 2010 meeting were approved.
  2. The Curriculum Committee approved ECE 498 LG for the Fall 2010 semester while the permanent course proposal awaits College approval.
  3. The Committee decided, by a substantial majority, that we prefer that the new ECE 310 be a three-hour course in the Electrical Engineering Advanced Core, with an associated elective one-credit-hour software laboratory course (ECE 320? 311?). (The alternative proposed and preferred by Andy Singer was a four-hour unified course in the Advanced Core.) It was noted that the new format should be evaluated after a year or two, with the latter option being easy to implement at that time if desired. Steve Bishop noted the limited TA support available to the department and that faculty should not necessarily expect extra TA support for such laboratory courses.
  4. After discussion, the Curriculum Committee approved the ECE minor designed by Erhan Kudeki with some changes; the approved version is

    To earn the ECE Minor, the student completes at least 18 credit hours of ECE courses (of which at least 6 hours must be at the 300 or 400 level) while fulfilling the following requirements:
    1. ECE 110 or ECE 205/206 (circuits requirement)
    2. ECE 190 or CS 101 or CS 125 (programming requirement)
    3. ECE 210; or ECE 290 or CS 231 (EE or CE core requirement)
    4. A probability or statistics course (e.g., ECE 313, Stat 400, Math 463, GE 311, CEE 202, or EPSY 480)
    5. Two of ECE 310, 329, 330, 340, 342/343 (EE advanced core); or Two of ECE 385, 391, 411 (CompE advanced core)
    Erhan Kudeki noted that Campus requirements on minors include at least six 300/400 hours in the home department and between 18-21 credit hours. The modifications from Erhan Kudeki's proposal were to open the probability/statistics requirement to any relevant course beyond the College and to reduce the total ECE hours from 20 to 18, to enable more non-engineers to pursue the minor.

    The Committee thanked Erhan Kudeki for his leadership in designing and promoting the minor.
  5. The Committee adjourned at 2:55 PM.

These minutes drafted by D.L. Jones, March 11, 2010; Last updated April 8, 2010