ECE Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes for April 8, 2010
Members present:
Tangul Basar,
Stephen Bishop,
Kent Choquette,
Todd Coleman,
Lynford Goddard,
Douglas Jones,
Erhan Kudeki,
Stephen Levinson,
Steven Lumetta,
Jonathan Makela,
Sean Meyn,
Sanjay Patel,
Nitin Vaidya
The Committee approved the course ECE 498 GH, "Computer Cluster Challenge",
proposed by William Gropp and Wen-Mei Hwu, subject to the changes to
three credit hours, and that student participation in the mock and
actual competitions be made optional.
Sean Meyn suggested the concept of defining the advanced core around topical
areas and allowing students to select from within a list in each of those areas.
A list of ECE 310, ECE 486, or ECE 361 was proposed as a straw-man in place
of ECE 310 in the advanced core.
Several members expressed concern that such a list would dilute the focus
on the core material identified by the Committee as fundamental.
After substantial discussion, a strong majority sentiment emerged that
we prefer to have one or more courses in each area
focused on the core topics we have identified for that area.
Some argued that control and communications material is not covered
as thoroughly in the existing core and advanced core as we would like;
Todd Coleman suggested MIT's 6.011 course as a potential model, covering
elements of communications, control, and DSP.
The Chair noted that our curricula constantly evolve in greater and lesser
ways and that while this shouldn't hold up our submission of the revised
EE curriculum to the College,
this would be a good topic to work on in the next year or two.
Other than the changes noted in previous minutes,
the Curriculum Committee chose to retain the current list of courses
in EE Core and Advanced Core.
The Committee adjourned at 2:44 PM.
These minutes drafted by D.L. Jones, April 15, 2010;
Last updated April 16, 2010