- Renumber current ECE 440 with minor modifications as ECE 340 and retain in required
core as it is now
(1) strongly against | (2) against | (3) slightly against | (4) slightly favor | (5) favor | (6) strongly favor
- Renumber current ECE 440 with minor modifications as ECE 340 but move it to a "4 of 6" list (move from required to semi-required advance core)
(1) strongly against | (2) against | (3) slightly against | (4) slightly favor | (5) favor | (6) strongly favor
- Current ECE 440 becomes technical elective (move physical electronics out of core)
(1) strongly against | (2) against | (3) slightly against | (4) slightly favor | (5) favor | (6) strongly favor
- Beef up physical electronics content in ECE 442 (-->342) and make it required, and move ECE 440 (-->340 similar to current 440) to a "3 of 6" advanced core list
(1) strongly against | (2) against | (3) slightly against | (4) slightly favor | (5) favor | (6) strongly favor
- Develop a new ECE 340 substantially different from current ECE 440 for the required core
(1) strongly against | (2) against | (3) slightly against | (4) slightly favor | (5) favor | (6) strongly favor
- Develop a new ECE 340 substantially different from current ECE 440 for the required core
and move current ECE 440 or similar to the "3 of 6" list
(1) strongly against | (2) against | (3) slightly against | (4) slightly favor | (5) favor | (6) strongly favor
- Develop a new ECE 340 substantially different from current ECE 440 for the required core
and place it on a "1 of 2" list with current ECE 440 or similar
(1) strongly against | (2) against | (3) slightly against | (4) slightly favor | (5) favor | (6) strongly favor